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A friend invited me for a yoga session, with a yogi from India.

It happened so, that I couldn’t go, nevertheless, I pressed the button to read the description. A single sentence grabbed my attention:

"You must understand that your current state doesn’t have to last your whole life".

I’ve read it a dozen times. "Current state" at this part in my life meant questioning – what’s the purpose of my life in general?

This single sentence awakened me from this prolonged dream. After all, life is a constant movement, a current, a river in a way, that you cannot stop.

Even if you look at a nearby street under construction, sometimes in the time of a few hours you can see many changes. Yes, it’s full of rubbish, dust, and noise, but in the end, the workers drive away leaving it nice and tidy for everyone to enjoy.

Eh, I wanted to speed things up so badly – new projects faster, new home faster, to lose those 5 kgs faster. Faster. Faster. FASTER everything!!!

But, things done too fast may not be permanent or even dangerous. Coming back to the street example, if you rush, don’t measure, or don’t allow it to properly dry, it might end up, not flat or with cracks, it may even hurt someone.

After realizing I can’t speed things up, my only option is to stay here and now. Listen to music to ignore the street noise. Buy me a cup of coffee (haha) and feel how it awakens and warms my body with every single sip. Look around the sunlit room. Uproot the garden of my thoughts. And finally, take a deep breath and calm down. Everything is alright.

Why there’s something that tries to take to a place of “what it will be”? In the end, none of us know what or how it will be like.

One more sip of coffee… M...

Here and now.


Lezione Di Vita: You must understand that your current state doesn’t have to last your whole life.

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