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My morning started with thoughts about organizing the closet (winter clothes out, summer ones in), but the rain and the whistling wind outside made me postpone this task for another week. Serene.

Lately, I've been pondering one of the most current trends – dopamine dressing. The main concept of this trend is that clothing should bring you joy because dopamine is the neurotransmitter in our central nervous system that makes us "feel good."

The essence of the dopamine trend lies in the fact that we can wake up feeling dull, gloomy, and moodless (even coffee doesn't help). Still, by incorporating bright colors into our outfit (it could be just a small detail), an interesting accessory, patterned socks, or neon sneakers, we can boost our mood and feel simply great!

My outfit boost for today – brightly pink mAGNEtic leggings!

When writing this text, the song "Simple Joy" by THE ROOP is playing in my mind all the time, and the main line – "All my life / I've been thinking I need something more / Now I'm fine / I'm enough with my own simple joy" is resonating with me.

I also want to remind you that this trend can be applied to women's and men's wardrobes. Don't forget to ask yourself – what clothing/accessory/color/pattern, etc., brings me joy? I invite you to share your thoughts in the comments.

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