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As the year came to an end, I wholeheartedly embraced the sixth point of the ChatGPT article on creative challenges, much like hopping onto a festive Christmas train. I disconnected from work for at least a week and indulged in activities that bring me joy: plenty of sleep, good food, movie nights, gift shopping and wrapping, managing anxiety by finding solace on the yoga mat, dressing up for gatherings with friends and family, and savoring the warmth of everyday life while consciously avoiding overthinking.

For the New Year celebration, we uncorked a bottle of Veuve Clicquot Brut! I've previously shared how this champagne, introduced to me through Mireille Guiliano's books, has become a symbolic tradition for welcoming the New Year. The presence of this champagne on the festive table signifies that things are better than we might imagine.

When I got back to proceed with my creative projects, the first thing I did was open Google Analytics and look at the statistics of the last month. My blog readings seem to have skyrocketed! The most read article - 'Journey of Self-Realization: My 2023 Recap'! I invite you to read it if you haven't already. I was very surprised that the highest number of reads through organic search came from the Philippines, followed by Lithuania in second place, the United States in third place, the United Arab Emirates in fourth place, and Canada in fifth place. All countries? 28. WOW. And just when it seems to you that nothing is happening, it DOES happen, and the present is somehow backward?

It's nice to realize that my thoughts reach people worldwide. Thank you for being here, reading my articles, and finding something that resonates with you. Thank you for exploring and adding a little something to your lives in your own way! It makes a difference in mine too.

Continuing makes sense.

Suddenly, there's a mysterious surge of energy and a strong urge to take ACTION.

I'm uncertain about what comes next, but one thing is clear - I follow wherever CURIOSITY leads me, sometimes as slow as a snail but gracefully and forward.

If my stories resonate with You, let's connect through my Concept Store, Affiliates, or Virtual Brew. It all keeps the storyline going.