Our minds are capable of putting everything together and coming up with a perfect picture of what or how something should be, but in reality, it doesn‘t mean that that‘s exactly what‘s going to happen.
Design Products
A collection of 60 posts
Gereja Or Getting Better
We all feel like failures from time to time... right?
Autumn Vibes
I try my best to create a good design. I am creating from Vilnius to the World. I obey my inner voice, which is only getting stronger after 3A0 years. Less is enough for me now. I can live very modestly, but I will not give up my self-realization through design for anything.
About Beauty Or Practices To Create Enduring Beauty
"Everything you touch becomes beautiful!" my boss once said. And these words not only illuminated my day but also accompanied me for many years of my career. And when I get into "changing seasons" in life, remembering these words, I immediately know what I must do.
Not holiday, but HOLIDAY
Maybe sometimes all you need is to sit on the grass (HOLIDAY grass), leave all those 'success stories‘ behind, and just be with yourself – so perfectly imperfect.
What Is A Good Design?
If you are a modern person, then you need to familiarize yourself with the 10 principles of the German industrial designer Dieter Rams about what good design is.
Design, Designers & Design Collaborations
Most of all, designers need optimism, because without it, it’s very hard to tackle a problem in the first place – and design is always hard.
Wabi Sabi Birthdays & Late Wishes Which Nevertheless Come True
Have you noticed that the birthday month is very sensitive? And the light tension felt throughout the month subsides only after the birthday has passed and a new cycle begins in your life.