My own brand is very personal because it's about the things I love, seeing through my intellect, and letting go into this wonderful world. I share the stories through my eyes, and I am extremely grateful that they notice, inspect, and see deeper or "in a different way".
Design Products
A collection of 60 posts
Are You Waiting For The First Snow To Fall?
And then there is the idea that if you are still enjoying the snow and you want to skate on frozen puddles – you are young and who cares how old you are?
Oh, Those Eyes!
The Dream Catcher hanging next to the table breathed new thoughts and ideas with the autumn breeze. It's getting better – I reminded myself – it's good, come on, go on!
The Morning Exactly like...
The word "different" makes me easily nervous, especially when it comes to "we're different". Then you want to object, maybe you’re the ones that are missing, the ones that we need more of?
And What About Creativity And Design?
I will say that I had to be distracted for a long time before I began to consciously combine writing with creativity and design, but things that take time are probably more stable, and if my heart sings every day, then the tough parts of life become easy.
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Yes, a tiny thing can scour us, and scatter us into thousands of puzzle pieces... And wearing this bracelet, you keep reminding yourself to be conscious, to remain calm, and not to react either too joyfully or too aggressively.
Designer Pillow Fight
Imagine how good it feels to get slammed with an Imagine or Equanimity pillow? And suddenly you are AWAKE & HAPPY to create your own unique and interesting life.