Energy. EVERYTHING IS ENERGY. Even a human made of hundreds of thousands of particles moving at a fast speed is energy. Stay warm. Try to devote your energy to something that gives you meaning.
Agne Vei
A collection of 83 posts
August Thoughts
"Imagination, Life Is Your Creation"
And I decided to become Barbie for one evening!
About Beauty Or Practices To Create Enduring Beauty
"Everything you touch becomes beautiful!" my boss once said. And these words not only illuminated my day but also accompanied me for many years of my career. And when I get into "changing seasons" in life, remembering these words, I immediately know what I must do.
Not holiday, but HOLIDAY
Maybe sometimes all you need is to sit on the grass (HOLIDAY grass), leave all those 'success stories‘ behind, and just be with yourself – so perfectly imperfect.
What Is A Good Design?
If you are a modern person, then you need to familiarize yourself with the 10 principles of the German industrial designer Dieter Rams about what good design is.
Learn To Change & Vice Versa
However I would twist my mind around what’s happening now, the answer spins around one word – LEARN.
The Single Sentence
"You must understand that your current state doesn’t have to last your whole life".